We Have Maps!
So, the big thing we wanted to have to show this month is the progress of the maps for a couple of our continents in the world of Externus and we can say, with lots of excitement, that Moudy delivered the goods with these!
First up is the continent of Alcretia, which you would have seen a part of in the pre-alpha demo (still playable via Itch here.) This is where the game will start as the party works its way through the continent.
Here is the original map that Kent created using a Kroger grocery bag when we were younger for our tabletop game. Note: Some location names may change in the final game as this was all done when we were younger and some names may need to change for legalities or to fit the world better.
Here is the new version made by Moudy to go directly into the game. Note that the roads will be generated in the game so the party knows the path it can travel along. This beautiful full-color map is what we always imagined how Alcretia looked as it highlights all of the landmarks and shows off how diverse each country is from a terrain perspective. We want each country to feel unique and that includes the terrain and how that can even inform the culture of each country. We’re planning to dive deeper into many of the locations on the maps in the coming months. (More on that later.)
Finally, we have the second major continent of our world. This is the continent of Katrona and we will make sure your party has a reason to show up there. Let’s start by showing you the original map from Kent again.
Here is Moudy’s full-color version of Katrona. These maps are just one of the steps in bringing the world of Externus to life and we are so excited to be able to show these off. We’ve always been a fan of maps in roleplaying games and we feel these maps have a unique look due to Moudy’s art style.
We hope you’re as excited as we are about having these maps as you can picture a bit of the scale of our world. There is still a third continent to come later on but these are the two major ones we need for the story we are telling. Please let us know what you think of the maps and if you’re excited to hear more about our world!