Corgi Dragons Are Taking Off!

We went through a lot of concepts before making Sir Pendleton a knight, but this may have been one of our most fun and weird ideas in turning a corgi into a dragon. The original idea behind the character was to find a way to pay homage to Kent’s real-life dogs (he has two great corgis named Dova and Zapp and yes, they do have an Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dova_and_zapp/) so we came up with several ideas before settling on the concept of a corgi knight who can only use polearms. Would you like to see more corgi dragons down the line?

We don’t want to reveal too much of Sir Pendleton’s story as we don’t want to spoil it in the game. We can tell you that he become a humanoid when one of the team members mentioned a classic RPG enemy, the Gnoll. It’s an idea that clearly sparked a lot of artwork on Moudy’s end.
We’re Diving Deeper On Our Podcast

For those that don’t know, we started a podcast a while ago so that we could talk about the process of forming our studio. With that, we came up with the very original name of How To Build A Game Studio (It’s easy to remember!) We have talked to other developers about their game studios in past episodes and will in the future as well, but for the next few weeks we will be deep diving into Externus. This week we started with an overview of things and our excitement and nervousness of launching this Kickstarter.
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7arg4KxzwJFY73koh1zz4J
Listen on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-build-a-game-studio/id1454445003
Listen on Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Iv7jklbtlo3obgjumdd5zaxeqby
We also post it on our website at https://www.winterborngames.com
Don’t Forget The Demo

We want to wrap up by reminding you that we do have a Pre-Alpha Demo for the game available to play right now. We encourage you to check it out and let us know what you think. We also challenge you to keep Trevor alive, as it’s not as easy as you would think. Keep in mind that it can be a little rough around the edges since we are showing the game before most developers would. We are proud of what we’ve done with it and hope you enjoy our prequel to the main game!
Demo Link: https://winterborngames.itch.io/externus-path-of-the-solari