Thank you for our Kickstarter Success!

What an absolutely crazy month! Externus: Path of the Solari has successfully funded and we owe EVERYTHING to you: our friends, family, and fans. I hope you all are able to take as much pride from this as the dev team does, we absolutely could not have done it without the support from each and every one of you! THANK YOU! We really don’t even have the words to express how grateful we are at this moment. We couldn’t have been a Kickstarter success without you!
So what’s next for the project? We should be sending out backer surveys in the next few weeks to everyone who backed us. These surveys will collect all the information required for us to start the ball rolling on getting your rewards. This is where you’ll be able to name your taverns, your mercenaries, and start creating your legends. We’ll also be contacting people with information regarding access to the Discord channel. We will also be falling into a steady flow of backer updates on the progress of the game, showing new characters, levels, and features, all spoiler-free of course!
While we did unfortunately not hit our goal for the PS4 version, I wanted to let you all know we’ll still be looking for ways to get that version out there as soon as we can. We want to get the game to everyone and let people play on their preferred device, so we won’t give up until we find a way! Keep an eye out for updates on this, and we will let you know as soon as we can!
Several people have asked about add-on items, and we do plan to make several items available as BackerKit add-ons. The main one people wanted to know about was the Art Book, so if you have a pledge down for the game and decide later you’d like to get an art book a la carte, you’ll be able to do this. Information on how to do this should be rolling out around the same time as the surveys.
Again, thank you so much for your support and encouragement through this process! You are all absolutely amazing and the drive we have internally on the development team has never been stronger! We are already working on some cool new features for the game and can’t wait to start sharing information with you in our updates!
If you have any questions please reach out to us here in the comments section, send us a message via our profile, or ping us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or pretty much anywhere else @WinterbornGames